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July 29, 2022
By Buruk Zereu

How to Prepare for a Long-Distance Move

A long-distance move can be an exciting adventure, but it can also be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Here are some tips to help you prepare for a long-distance move:

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  1. Create a moving checklist: Make a list of everything you need to do before, during, and after the move. This should include tasks like changing your address, transferring utilities, and packing.
  2. Research moving companies: Do your research and find a reputable moving company that specializes in long-distance moves. Ask for recommendations from friends and family, and read online reviews before making a decision.
  3. Declutter your home: Take the opportunity to declutter your home before you move. This will save you time and money, and make it easier to unpack in your new home.
  4. Pack strategically: Pack your items strategically by room, and label everything clearly. Use packing materials like bubble wrap and packing paper to protect fragile items.
  5. Consider storage options: If you have items that you don't need right away, consider storing them in a storage unit until you are settled in your new home.
  6. Plan for your pets: If you have pets, make sure that you have a plan in place for moving them. This may include finding a pet-friendly hotel or boarding facility along the way.
  7. Prepare for the weather: If you are moving to a new climate, make sure that you are prepared for the weather. This may include purchasing new clothing or gear.
  8. Get to know your new city: Take the time to research your new city and get to know the local attractions, restaurants, and activities.
  9. Stay organized: Keep all